If you are like most of our clients, you didn’t come to us for a “stack of documents.” You came to us to create a plan that will work when you need the plan to work. The problem is none of us knows when “LIFE WILL HAPPEN,” resulting in the estate plan being needed. It could be tomorrow, it could be (and hopefully will be) many, many years from now.
Yet without continued oversight, there is a tremendous likelihood that your properly designed estate plan will quickly become out‐dated and fail you and your family.
So What Can Change?
It is not a matter of “if” things will change, it is only a matter of “when” things will change – and whether your plan will be ready at a moment’s notice, no matter how much time has passed since you originally became our client.
People in your life and your relationships with those people change over time; what you own and the value of your assets change over time; state law, federal law and the tax code changes over time; and, our constant quest to be as educated and informed as we can be results in planning techniques and document language changing over time.
So What Can You Do About It?
We have discovered that the best way to make certain your estate plan is ready at a moments notice is to enroll in our unique and exclusive Life’sWork Protection Plan™ Membership Program.
As a revocable living trust‐based planning client, you receive a complimentary 12‐month enrollment in the Life’sWork Protection Plan™ Membership Program. The enrollment period ends on the 1‐year anniversary of your document signing meeting. Thereafter, you will decide whether to continue in the Life’sWork Protection Plan™ Membership Program or work with us in the traditional law firm way – being charged based on our hourly rates. We hope you give strong consideration to the importance of a properly maintained estate plan.
Membership benefits include:
either a one‐on‐one meeting with an attorney or an Annual Life’sWork Trust Review letter of your estate plan (your option), which may include recommended changes to your estate planning documents
annual review of titling of assets
workshops educating/supporting clients in areas of life and legacy
training workshops for successor trustees
trust amendments incorporating improved estate planning strategies and language
inclusion of approved amendments, such as change of trustees
reasonable telephone calls by you or your advisors to anyone in our office at no additional charge
an emergency card providing access to your health care documents 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, anywhere in the world
value of entire estate planning team protecting your interest